in beautiful West Cork

Category: Parish Assembly

Parish Assembly Meeting – 24th June 2024

Agreed Minutes

  • 16 people attended.
  • Chairperson Sheila Jennings welcomed everyone.
  • Fr. Tom Hayes led the opening prayer.
  • Minutes of previous meeting were read by secretary Susan O’Brien. Nellie O’Mahony thanked Tim & Sheila Coughlan for their help with the bunting for the Eucharist Procession in the Parish Centre.
  • The recent Eucharist Procession was discussed, it was suggested that perhaps the route for next year’s procession could go through Pearse Street. It was acknowledged that it was well attended and good to see First Communion children in attendance.  It was also suggested that perhaps adoration could be held after the procession.
  • Blessing of the Beaches 2024 was discussed. It was suggested that people would be invited to bring sand from different beaches to be blessed at Mass.  All agreed with this suggestion. It was decided that this would be announced at Masses in Clonakilty Parish on weekend of 29th/30th June and would be held at Masses in Clonakilty Parish Church only on the weekend of 6th /7th July. 

•          It was decided that meetings would be changed to the 2nd Monday of each month beginning in September. The next meeting is to be held              on the 9th of September.

Parish Newsletter April 30th, 2023

Nominating members of a new parish assembly

The Parish Assembly has served much longer than its three-year term – due to Covid19 – so it’s time to nominate new members for the next assembly.

What is the Parish Assembly? 

A Parish Assembly is a group of people who are representative of the faith community — of the parish. Working closely with the priests, they help to create an experience of belonging and participation in the life of our parish. An assembly is normally set up every three years (Covid caused the last term to be extended!). 

Members meet once a month from September to May inclusive. Members of the assembly spend part of their time discussing and planning church tasks/events and part of their time implementing these tasks/events with the help and support of other parishioners.

What is the Assembly about? 

The Assembly is about pastoral, spiritual and the faith life of the members of our parish. It will address and identify the needs of our parish and support all age groups in their faith journey. The members will work together to sustain a vibrant faith community in our parish which is in tune with the Gospel. 

What is the Assembly not about? The Assembly is not responsible for finances, employees, buildings or maintenance of the parish. It also will not duplicate services which other people already involved in various ministries provide in the parish.

Clink this link to get the Nomination Form where you can nominate three people (including yourself).

Post to “Parish Assembly Nomination”, Parochial House, Western Road, Clonakilty Co. Cork, P85 YN47.

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